6 months & 2 weeks on the road / living out of a
backpack / not having a place of my own / not paying rent. It’s been over half
a year since I gave up my apartment.
Explaining what I’ve been doing is really hard. People ask
where I moved from. Easiest answer? Nowhere. Most confusing answer? Nowhere. Maybe
“everywhere” is more appropriate, but I doubt solves the confusion.
My insurance company for my camera / other equipment called every month asking for my new address. Yes, keep my mailing address my parents, yes please
still insure my storage unit, no I do not have a physical address. Month 6
another call came in, they had heard back from some higher ups and needed my
physical address where I was living. After 6 months they still couldn’t figure
out that I was living nowhere! Did they want me to call every week or every day
with an updated address? There are other things too that require living at a
physical location. Like voting. So then, where do you belong if you travel all
the time?
I was so excited about getting all of my belongings out of
storage, but as I unpacked box after box (actually, I had packed in garbage bags
due to the last minute rush of my moving in July), I just felt a feeling of
panic. How did I have so much, so much that I didn’t need for half a year.
What’s the point? And now all of sudden I can no longer pack all of my
possessions in less than an hour and be on a plane to somewhere else with no
trace left behind.