It's happening. Somehow.
I will be spending my first Christmas away from home this year - France, or maybe Germany.
In 2006, I took Documentary and Social Change in College - strangely my only Documentary class. We had to write a treatment for a documentary. I chose the Circus, of course, but wanted to travel, of course, so figured a way to combine the two, of course.
Who knew, four years later I would actually be making this extravagant dream and slight obsession come true. Around December 10th I will head to Paris, Germany, the Netherlands, and Monaco for my World Circus Culture Documentary. The circus has a culture of its own, a culture outside and beyond age, country and time; that's what makes it so unique.
7 weeks in Europe here I come. I was / AM feeling overwhelmed with moments of panic from the prospect of traveling again, especially for the cause of my biggest film yet and the one I care about most, but day 2 in my LA apartment finds me ready to leave, ready to, I'll be fine.
Everyone please dream piles of money for the film and spread the word to all those interested in investments or donations!
This is a logo WORK IN PROGRESS by Karen Gersch

Ohh i like the graphic..I get it now=) and don't worry about where your least your going!