Got up early early this morning for a potential interview with the future mayor. I always feel bad saying, OK let's be ready to leave at 7:30, but just know we might not leave until 10:30. Oh Peru. The interview didn't happen...maybe later. Did another interview and then stopped at a tiny airport where Luis plans to land "his plane"....the plane was donated to the Foundation by

Wings of Hope. That's right, Luis got a plane and pilot donated. This is what I have to keep up with. IMPOSSIBLE, but amazing. He also thought I said we were meeting friends to go out tonight and he got all excited and wanted to Luis, we're meeting friends in the morning for a hike, not to go to the club.
(PHOTO: Luis y Milagros - an amazing friend here who is learning English, but it doesn't matter b/c our charades conversations are the BEST)
After a quick stop at the construction site we're spending a day of perfection at the hotel with food and the coldest beers in the world. I can't help but find perfection here.
Meeting tonight with the Engineer, which will last 3-4 hours....I'll sneak out probably half hour in, I already made Josh and Annah sit through a meeting over drinks for an hour and a half the other night. For them just sitting and staring at some guy talking in an unknown language, for me pretending to pay attention and ask questions when itseems appropriate so it sounds like I know what is going on. Strange how good I am at that.
(PHOTO: Wuilman's interview. I think my favorite person in Peru, we bonded over making fun of each other in English / Spanish and haven't been serious since) 

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