Monday, October 5, 2009

day 2 construction, feels like day 10

I think I figured out, partially, what it is that fascinates me about gypsies. They seem to exist in a parallel universe, timeless. We followed a woman in neon green, orange, brown, and purple flowing long skirt with headscarf wandering into town, skirt blowing in the wind. I'm happy to say I shot it, from a distance I saw her walk across the main bridge.

Tiles went on the roofs today. Some nice visuals. Also shot the interview of one homeowners, Doru. Pretty much all homeowners were orphans or homeless. Doru now lives at the closed orphanage building. wow, what a sight. Moments like that I really thank people for sharing their stories.

There always seems to be one person who becomes the "do it all helper" for my travel filming. In Peru it's Wuilman, in Romania it's Florian. He received a Habitat home years ago and now works for Habitat, is on the selection committee, drives Lindsey and I around, translates during interviews, practically directs when necessary in Romanian, sets an amazing example around the work site and for the soon to be homeowners. I can't wait to hear his story and where he has come from, because it can't have been a good place, but to me he's at the top now. Um, and please note, shout out goes to the US - Josh - considering he never stops answering my texts, calls, IMs, emails regarding my technical panics over the camera or final cut. PS, Sony sucks.

I've been capturing some of the footage due to the "fun task" of editing together a montage piece at the end of this week. Glad things are looking better on my computer than in the bright sun and dusty viewfinder during the day!

NOTE: didn't figure out how to write captions for photos on the last post. Obviously- the site, me having issues with hard hat plus headphones, and Lindsey (friend who brought me) on top of the hill w/ camera.


  1. Doru; a homeless orphan living in a closed orphanage. Now there's a guy who deserves a home he can call his own.
    Good luck with the montage piece, can't wait to see it.

  2. anytime - i'll always be here for you
