Friday, October 2, 2009

hello Ireland

I think the only time I get to sleep is on planes these days. Arrived in Belfast Ireland this AM. Green fields, sheep, small cars, brick streets, students in uniforms (think Harry Potter!), and my taxi driver calling me 'love' made me feel like all those movies on Ireland are real. Luckily the coffee is strong here and my body is confused enough already that I'm not noticing jetlag. Explored the city a bit (meaning took a bus and walked quickly to breakfast) and then had production meetings with Habitat and Lindsey. 2am tonight the Habitat group meets for a bus ride to Dublin, plane to Budapest (woah I'm going to Hungary!), then 6 hour bus to Romania, arrive 6pm the next day. Again, atleast I'll get some sleep in, no other time.

HEY! look at me, writing in a blog on my travels.


  1. This is great! Keep it up. You've inspired me to start blogging again. Here's my link: I added you to my site too! This gets a little out of hand trying to update a bunch of sites though. It's a full time job!

  2. Good travels, Angela. Yours is the first (and only?)blog that I'll be checking regularly. And do I have the proud distinction to post the first comment to your blog? Did I unimaginately beat your mother to it?


  3. Angela, When you get your sleep on planes I guess you could say your bed is an air mattress.
