Tuesday, October 6, 2009

behind the scenes

After spending so much time in Peru, I think I have a different view on poverty, or maybe am decesorized. We went on a "poverty tour" today. That means two big tour buses full of people with cameras went to "one of the poorest" Roma communities. Awesome (sarcasim- in case blogging doesn't translate that). I was so excited to see the gypsies at home, but it just didn't feel the same. They've been discriminated for so long- from slaves, to the Holocast, to communism. Forced legalling out of their traveling culture and "given" land, which they do not own and is far enough out of town to stay hidden. Who knows what their culture really is / was, they're just crammed in with "poor" here. There are different kinds of poverty, depending on where you are, maybe they are all equally in need of attention and not meant to be compared. You can't change everything, but if you start some where at least a ripple has been made, don't think about the wouldacouldas, there's too many

When we visited the houses of the Romanian's who are getting the Habitat Houses, all I could think about was - well, they have houses / apartments. Yantalo is full of one room mud houses with dirt floors and 5 or more people in a family sleeping on the floor. But, Habitat does have a good concept, the houses are a "hand up" not a "hand out". Meaning homeowners do have to pay, but this just means they are responsible and show the promise of seceding in the world.

I think in order to make a good film you have to be slightly obsessed with your subject. When they take a drink of water you're scrambling to push record because in your head this is THE moment you need. Of course, hopefully you have a clear enough vision to stop yourself and stick to the story. But, I think you need that slight insanity. Also, I think the best way to understand your job is to do every other position first.

The only reason I'm actually being awesome at this blog stuff is I have to sit here every night while tapes capture, that's at least 2 hours of sit and stare time. And I would like to retract my "sony sucks" statement from the previous post. This camera has been relatively good to me, it deserves more than that.


  1. Well done Blogging Angela! I have enjoyed your blogging. So much so I started blogging myself. Not nearly as fancy as you with my page. I am what I like to call "technically challenged".

    If you have time to blog...hmmm...too much to ask for a postcard? :D just sayin...take care of yourself and look forward to reading some more!


  2. By the time the tour buses start showing up at some place its authenticity is probably long gone. They're the opposite of a leading indicator.

    How's the chow there, any Romanian favorites?

  3. Dad - I think you're better at this blog comment thing than emailing! Food has been skip-able, to say the least.

    B - NEAT! I haven't seen the inside of a store yet (...well to buy beer, yes) ...so no postcard sightings. Either running around w/ a camera or stuck in front of the comput :o/

  4. It's probably good that you retracted your Sony comment if only because they might sponsor you one day. Imagine having a ton of money from Sony to shoot whatever you want! Ah, dreams.

    Anyway, glad to see that things are going well on this shoot! I'm enjoying your writing and reading about your process :)

